Comandiux home page
Comandiux is multi-purpose command-line (cli) utility and batch file enhancer tool for Windows. It enhances standard windows environment with many new features. Automatizes various activities and adds power to batch files. See list of parameters or screenshot. Former name was Wt32con. For more information and example of use have look to Art section bellow. Simply execute cax.exe and get short help. Professionas, who needs more using Angeliux gui utility.
Download actual release of Comandiux for free: cax.exe size is about 300kB.
All software offered on this page is free, and I hope that you find it useful. Contact author - Mr. Marián Hubinský, by email: asoft (a)
If you'd like to support future development, fixes and new product features, please make a donation via PayPal - a secure online banking service.
Run any program as an windows service
Comandiux can run as SERVICE! You can also easy create and delete any service from command line as Microsoft tools srvany.exe and instsrv.exe.
Run any program as service, try run following command to install notepad as an service:
cax.exe /SVC~I /SVC~NAME:MySvc /SVC~DISP:"My service" /SVC~PARAM /rumw notepad.exe file.txt
and then: net start MySvc
Some Screens

Art of Comandiux
* remove Java Quick start service (delete that service)
cax /svc~u /svc~name:JavaQuickStarterService
* remove UAService7.exe
net stop UserAccess7
cax /svc~u /svc~name:UserAccess7
* hxdef100 to remove Hacker Defender service, run:
cax /svc~u /svc~name:HackerDefender100
* to set Windows TaskBar transparent run:
cax /classtransp 200 Shell_TrayWnd*
* to show OSD time, run:
cax /osdtext 10 %!clock!% /repeat:1
* command to show BIOS version from command line on OSD
cax /osdtext 50 %!##HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\\BiosVersion!%
Another things to try:
cax.exe /msg %!PWRSTATE!%\n%!BATTERY!%\n%!BATLIFE!%"
cax.exe /CYCLE:0 /OSDRECYCLE /osdrtf 1 "{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fprq2 Courier New;}}{\colortbl ;\red255\green127\blue0;}{\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs72 %!CPUPERC!% %!FMEM!% RAM\cf0\b0\par}